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Service rates

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, call-out service is currently suspended.

The standard call-out charge applies to calls serviced within 72 hours of order within normal working hours.
Job charges are intended to cover the cost of interrupting ongoing work of lower urgency.
The emergency rate applies to jobs which 'jump the queue' or are serviced out of normal hours.
The workshop rate applies to jobs processed at my base.
The export rate applies wherever goods are sold overseas (without site work), to cover administration.

To qualify for the full-days rate a job must take over eight hours on site, in at least one visit,
or else must be processed at my convenience.
Overseas work is charged by the day on the basis of an 8 hour day at the daily rate.

Service Rates

Job Charges Standard Call Out £100.00
Emergency Call Out £150.00
Hourly Rates Engineering : Short jobs£100.00Per hour
Engineering: Full days£60.00Per hour
Travel & Incidental £60.00Per hour
Overtime£60.00Per hour
Expenses Mileage £0.30per mile
Materials at cost
Credit Under 30days No charge
30-60 days 2%
More2%per month

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